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Iconic Imagery & Planning = Iconic Style

It's so much fun to immerse yourself in the nostalgia of the entertainment arts. I was just having a conversation with someone about the importance of the arts... be it music, cinema, sculpture, painting, dance... the list goes on and on as does the list of benefits and what is does for the soul.

The arts give us that special glimpse into certain periods of time, even a moment in time, often triggering memories, sounds, smells, feelings and emotions, inside jokes or achievements.

Sometimes finishing a room is just as simple as finding the prefect texture, balance, scale and all of those kinds of things regarding the relationship of all of the elements in the space as they relate to one another, true... BUT... the personal aspect of being able to integrate pieces that hold meaning and emotion (no matter where they derive from) provides the very best result. These are the kinds of elements that draw people into a space because they can relate to the piece in some way. These pieces will elevate a space and are also usually conversation starters pieces, which are known to seem unexpected and bring energy and emotion to a space.

It doesn't matter if your space is a business, an entire home, or a single room... your space should have personality. It should have character. A space should be unique to you, or your brand, or it's architectural shell.

EVERYONE makes purchases for their surroundings, constantly, in cycles. If you need to purchase a new "XYZ" (name any item of your choice)... why wouldn't you be conscious and calculating in making that choice perfect for you and your space? Why wouldn't you take the time to choose the correct thing? The "thing" that brings respect to the space. The things that lends balance. The thing that brings personality to the space. The thing that brings you joy, or peace, or energy or whatever you are needing or desire?

Every purchase is an OPPORTUNITY towards an end goal. So, does it not make total sense to have a plan in place for the direction of your space? (Especially if you are not doing/ replacing everything at once? ) Don't be afraid to be "stylish" in your own way. That's where all the joy is !!! But, absolutely DO create a plan so that you can check all the boxes toward getting to the finish line, so that you can enjoy the space in its complete finished glory!

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